It is with deep gratitude that I share that my artwork ‘God as Earth’ now sits in the Vatican Collection!
Created in the Summer of 2023, this painting naturally emerged from my automatic creation state and, in my opinion, directly represents my philosophy surrounding the development of Christ Consciousness. I brought the painting with me to Rome and through a long process of checks and balances, I was able to gift the artwork and a handwritten letter to Pope Francis.
They had told me that it would take roughly 6 months for a response, but only a month later I received a letter from the Vatican stating that the Pope had received both the painting and my note. This is a major moment in my life and I am beyond grateful to those who made this possible.

I’m a guy who is obsessed with painting, never had any formal training, had zero industry connections, and now my work belongs to the oldest institution on Earth. My ambitions have always extended far beyond this planet, so to me this is a major step towards some of my biggest life goals. Everyone tells you that anything is possible, but I couldn’t stress enough how real that statement is. Anything that you put your mind to, you can achieve. Remember, only four years ago, I had never picked up a paint brush.
One day I will write more about this experience and all of the unexplainable spiritual phenomena that occurred leading up to the gifting date. But right now, I humbly sit in gratitude.
